Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

Kelly wrote:

>>"Dove" is a little white bird, a noun.
>>"Dived" is the past tense of dive, a verb.
>>It IS good and correct grammar. "I dove into the pool" is NOT.
>>Common mistake.


Ned's turn:
One more option -- Change DOVE (the bird) to DUV -- that's the way a child
would spell it, with perfect phonetic logic. (We're trying to solve problems
here, right?)

In fairness to all, I think that because of usage (or evolution, if you
will), dove has come to be an acceptable (or accepted) form for the past
tense of dive. However, the discussion was about trying to make English
easier to learn. So in working with the list of sentences that included
words with two pronunciations for the same spelling, my purpose was to try
to make changes that would avoid confusions. Hey, if the language evolved,
and is still evolving, then we might as well participate...sure, this egroup
could go a long way to simplifying the language. We could make history,
right here, by ELIMINATING -- once and for all -- ALL IRREGULARITIES.
Children do it often, but they get *educated* out of much of their logical
usage. So it's duv, right?

Remember the book, a homeschooling classic: GNYS AT WRK (Genius At Work).

I have long been bolstered by a book by the man whom many called the
smartest man in the world, Richard P. Feynman. His best known book is

Ned Vare