
Thanks everyone. I appreciate everyone reassuring me. I knew I was worried over a silly thing and that they will either feel it was important enough to use and refine or not. It helps to have everyone here on this list to remind me to TRUST MY KIDS when I forget!
God bless
Unschooling Mom to three Happy little Monkeys
Austin 10/31/93
Sarah 8/28/95 homebirth
Emmalee 8/15/00 homebirth
Apple Seed 03/03 planning to uc
And loving wife to Randy since 1999

**If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
-Anatole France***

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Denese Kolb

I wanted to thank you all so very much.
I brought my seven year old home from school last year, after the end of first grade. It was an all around bad experience for him. One of the low points being a kid with a knife in school who told the kids he was going to kill the teacher. In first grade.
Not knowing any better, I brought school home. That lasted about two months, it was torture for both of us. One day I took my kids over to play with some of the kids they met from the local homeschool group and they turned out to be unschoolers. When I saw the way her children acted in their own environment I was floored and completely sold on the entire idea :) There are four kids in the family and while my kids were over and chaos was erupting everywhere, one of her kids was lying on the floor learning about blood and blood cells. All of her children are just so cool and really happy. She became my role model :) Then I found you guys and you all have been just as helpful to me.
The more I leave the child alone the more he reads. He amazes me with the words he knows and the questions he asks me, the things he thinks about. Who cares if the curiosity is stimulated by the Simpsons, or even Ed, Ed and Eddy :)
I just wanted to voice my appreciation to you guys.
I thank you and my children thank you

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