
BRENDA said, "But how do I get them beyond the "teach me" mentality
to learn themselves?..." And one reply was…
<<<Maybe you could say you're the coach, and they need to do there
violin-related things each week besides playing it some (don't
say "practicing," say "play your violin during the week," and then it
won't be homework, it will be the coach reminding them to DO).>>>

This reminds me of the "think system" from The Music Man – it
actually worked, remember?? ;-)

PAM: I can remember wanting to know how to play "Fur Elise" on the
piano so badly, but it was in the 3rd Suzuki book. I quit lessons in
the middle of the 2nd book and never did learn to play that. If a
teacher had "taught" me (allowed me to learn?) that piece, or if
someone had encouraged me that I COULD play if I tried to plunk
through it… who knows if I'd have kept with the piano? Maybe someday
I'll take it up again… =-(

(considering unschooling my 2.5 yo)