Alan & Brenda Leonard

> "Now, don't get me wrong -- he is very polite and respectful and gets along
> well with adults, but he seems to think he is 16 or something, instead of 9.
> He acts like he thinks the other kids are childish. He is certainly a bright,
> sharp kid --

Your son sounds like mine, only older. Mine is 6. He doesn't go to Sunday
school, because it's just like that. I spent a lot of time worrying about
some of those questions a couple months ago, and then I decided that he is
who he is, he's growing up to be a perfectly fine kid, and I'm ok with who
he is.

I think that unschooled kids ARE different than other kids, and we helped
make them that way, by choosing to unschool, so we shouldn't be vastly
surprised! I also think that just like we have people we do and don't like,
so do kids. I can easily see where a giggly group of girls wouldn't be your
son's style! I disagree with the teacher, fail to see the problem and think
that your son is probably just fine as he is. (Although sitting in the
classroom once, just to be sure, might not be a bad idea),

I would have concerns about a child who couldn't make any friends, couldn't
play in any group, or work with other kids on anything. There would be real
issues there. But that's not how you describe you son. He has friends,
groups, etc.

I have to also disagree with the teacher that he needs to have do things he
doesn't want to do, and have to go along with a group. People design theirv
lives based on their own needs. Some people specifically choose jobs where
they don't work with other people, and most people try to do things they are
interested in, so they aren't stuck doing things they don't want to. On the
other hand, your son isn't going to be 9 forever, either! He will grow and
change a lot before he ever gets to choosing a job or profession.

I suppose it depends on how many waves you're willing to make, but in the
end, this is about what you believe vs. what the teacher believes. You
could challenge the teacher and his "supervisor", if your Sunday school has
one, or just let it pass. I doubt that you'll change his mind, though,
either way.
