[email protected]

Debi, how was Sunday School today? Did anything get resolved with the
teacher, or did you just let it go?
I have been thinking about this the past few days and I wonder if you
couldn't ask to have your son moved into a group with more involvement in the
lesson? Who says he has to be in the 9 year old class? Why, if he is
interested in the lesson and learning, can't he go to the teen class or with
you to an adult class? This is the bible we are talking about, (I assume) the
material covered in another class surely can't be inappropriate for a child
his age. If you are a fairly religious family, and your faith is a
cornerstone in your lives then I assume at 9 your son has the basics down.
Maybe he is ready to be in a class that covers more in-depth bible studies.
The teen class might resent a 9 year old in their midst, and the adult class
may too, but who knows? If your little boy is ready for more intense study
then why not? Besides, a child may ask questions that although the adults may
want to ask, they won't. It could prove to be interesting! Good luck!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]