[email protected]

Why even have him in Sunday School?
How about "unchurching".
Maybe there is something to this.
We are believers. We, too, have found that our children, ages 3 and 9, end
up learning how to be mean, talk back etc.. in Sunday School
My 9 yr. old son finally asked us, "Do we have to go there anymore?"
We asked him why he didn't want to.
He gave us all educated, wise reasons.
We learn about God/Jesus at home. He knows a lot more, often times, than the
S.S. teacher about the indepthness of the Bible lesson at hand.
We decided we'd discontinue Sunday School (and children's church, which
seemed to be Kool-aid and crazy time..._

I agree with the idea that xtra activities are often playtime for school
kids.. let down time... They are wanting to have fun. Our home "learners"
come along to actually be focused on the activity at hand... (Not to say the
others aren't.. you know what I mean, though.)

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