HEM-Online-Newsletter by way of Home Ed


July 2002


Welcome to HEM'S ONLINE NEWS! For more information on Home Education
Magazine, see the end of this newsletter or visit our web site at
http://home-ed-magazine.com. Send your comments and questions to
editor Carol Narigon at HEM-Newsletter@....

In the July issue:

~ Letter to My Neurosurgeon ~
~ Visual Thesaurus ~
~ Ask Carol ~
~ Linda Dobson Goes Mainstream ~
~ Unschooling ~
~ Trusting the Children, Trusting Ourselves ~
~ Myth America ~
~ BookCrossing.com ~
~ FirstGov for Kids ~
~ NHEN ~
~ The Final Word ~


When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be
surprised if they learn their lesson. ~~ Will Rogers ~~



"...You see, we don't really homeschool at the kitchen table. Few
homeschoolers do, though that is the image the media has chosen to
give us. Our kitchen table is generally too full of various projects
to accommodate bookwork. Once it was Native American pottery (our
version of it, anyway). Another time leaves of all colors and sizes
covered the surface as we painstakingly ironed delicate window
decorations. Often times my inventive, creative daughter usurps the
table for her own purposes, leaving us to eat in the living room once

Much of our homeschooling has taken place outside, in fields, on
rivers, in the forests, and near ponds. Sometimes our homeschool
comes from investigating odd parts of town, discovering old shops and
unusual restaurants. So much of our homeschool comes from the library
that we practically live there, volunteering when we can. We've spent
lots of time learning with friends, girl scouting, science club,
sports and other pursuits that throw us together with people of all
ages and interests.

Quite frankly, none of this would be possible without me. I am
pivotal to this life of ours. The facilitator, the nutritionist, the
scheduler, and the protector. I am the dreamer who envisions what
learning and life can be and I am the bricklayer who lays the
foundation. I am the one who lights the candles and adds the fresh
flowers. I am the one who wraps the children up in the middle of the
night and serves their hot chocolate outside so they can watch stars
streaking across the sky. I am the one who warms the honey-colored
beeswax so they can create fragrant models. I am the one who once
filled an entire high school auditorium with homeschoolers so that my
own children could watch knights joust and sword fight. I help them
find mentors, take classes, and shape dreams. As they grow older, I
help them plan their lives and listen to their hopes and aspirations.

I often think that homeschooling moms overlook just how important
they are. Do any of us wonder just what might happen to their
families if they weren't there? I have had to do this and it's
frightening..." ~~ excerpt from Teri Brown's article in the
July/August issue of Home Education Magazine ~~

You can read the rest of this thought-provoking story, as well as a
couple of articles and columns from the July/August issue at the
address above, but you'll have to get the magazine--the one you hold
in your hands--to read them all! See special subscription information
at the end of this newsletter or visit your local bookseller to get
your copy today.



I'm not sure how to convince you a thesaurus can be exciting, but it
can! The Visual Thesaurus at http://www.plumbdesign.com/thesaurus
gives you a 3-D view of a particular word and its synonyms, with the
closest relatives in bolder type and the second and third cousins
fading to the back. You can click on any of the synonyms to bring it
front and center along with its own synonyms, creating a kind of
trail of meanings that can take some interesting turns. Use the
applet in the bottom left corner to change nouns to verbs and verbs
to adjectives or adverbs, or click on auto-navigate and just watch
the program gently change on its own. This is truly an elegant



In addition to editing this newsletter, I write a column for Home
Education Magazine. Now, I don't want to take Ann Lander's place, but
I will take those thorny questions and problems you struggle with and
try to give you some options or information that might help you.
Although I don't answer the questions in this newsletter, I do answer
them in every issue of HEM, the original print version where
homeschoolers have found support for over 20 years. A couple of them
are online (http://www.home-ed-magazine.com), but most you have to
read in the magazine.

I really like to get your questions-any questions at all, even if you
think your question is too stupid and you're the only one who has
your particular problem (probably not true). So, don't be shy; don't
procrastinate; send me your questions. I even have a special email
address: askcarol@... . Of course, I don't promise I
can answer every question in the magazine (especially if you don't
send one!), but I try to respond to each one, whether I use it for a
column or not. Don't wait! (~ CN ~)



"As an electrical engineer (in my former life) I took a *lot* of math
(4 years in HS and at least 10 course in college.) I love math. I did
well at math. School math is like puzzles for me. Lots of pattern

But that helped me not at all in electrical engineering because what
generalized subjects lack is *context*. Being able to solve numerous
examples of the various types of problems is the details when someone
has no experience with the big picture. Being able to find the slope
of a line during the chapter on finding the slope of a line is
jumping through hoops so teachers can demonstrate to administrators,
the state and parents that a concept was taught. It's meaningless --
I'm betting most people here who took algebra can't say why they'd
want to find the slope of a line! -- when the kids have never
experienced needing a line graph for personally meaningful reasons
nor experienced how the slope of a line that results from some real
problem is important and how a different slope would affect the
meaning of the outcome.

Knowing how to do percentage problems before you've experienced
dozens of different ways percentages are used in real life, before
you've actually had to use the *concept* of percentage is like
learning how to spell before you can speak.

Unschooling provides kids with the opportunities to experience how
math is used in real life. They don't need to do a bazillion problems
to understand the details. They need years of experience with how the
concepts are used in real contexts. After they understand the context
then the details -- that schooled kids take 12 years to learn -- are
learned in minutes and hours." ~~ Joyce Fetteroll at the
unschooling.com message boards ~~

Unschooling.com offers a free monthly newsletter (edited by former
AOL Homeschool Connection manager Deborah Cunefare), message boards,
an email list and more just for unschoolers. To subscribe to the
email list send a blank email to:
[email protected]
Or visit the email list website at:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom .



From the Prima Publishing website
(http://www.primapublishing.com/index.php): "The August 2002 issue of
Better Homes and Gardens will contain an article on homeschooling
with Prima's Linda Dobson extensively quoted. Linda is the author of
'The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child,' 'Homeschoolers' Success
Stories,' 'The Homeschooling Book of Answers,' 'Homeschooling: The
Early Years,' and coming in November 2002 'The Ultimate Book of
Homeschooling Ideas.' The last book is how she is identified in the

And, "The September 2002 issue of Reader's Digest will feature an
article about homeschooling which includes quotes from author Linda

Wow! Linda's taking homeschooling out into the world! You can read
more of Linda's writing in every issue of Home Education Magazine and
even hear her speak at the California Home=Education Conference (see


Home Education Magazine

The Home Education Magazine website is a crash course in
homeschooling and it's ALL FREE! You'll find message boards, articles
and columns, state laws, resources, support groups, email lists and a
whole lot more. Stop by and take advantage of us!


The 2002 California Home=Education Conference
August 16-18, Radisson Hotel Sacramento.

A weekend of inspiring talks, workshops, and fun activities for
everyone in the family! Keynotes: Jane Healy and Frank Smith.
Featured speakers: Mary Griffith, David Albert, Sandra Dodd, Richard
Prystowsky, Marty Layne, Laurel Schmidt, Donald Asher, Wes Beach,
Lenore Hayes and Roneale Berry. Delightful programs for teens,
tweens and kids, as well as new panels and lots of round table
discussions among homeschoolers. http://conference.hsc.org, or email
conference@... or info@....

(I'll be there! Will you? ~CN~)



HEM Online News subscriber Susan Foreman writes: "I wanted to let
readers know of a really neat half hour show on the Discovery
Civilization Channel called 'Myth America.' A few of the shows I've
seen included myths about American presidents, the American flag,
celebrations, the Liberty Bell and other historical 'facts' we've
been taught in textbooks and/or school growing up.

For example, the American flag was a subject of indifference until
well after George Washington fought in battle - the pictures of him
in the boat with the flag are a fabrication of the artist! In that
same show it featured Betsy Ross's involvement or lack thereof with
the flag. Very interesting stuff! The episode featuring the
origins of today's popular celebrations and holidays was
enlightening! Perhaps it may be of interest to others who receive
this terrific e-newsletter - keep up the good work!"

Thanks, Susan. I need to convince my cable company to add Discovery
Civilization Channel to my cable lineup just so I can see this show.
I looked at their website at http://civilization.discovery.com, and
it looks like another excellent channel from the same people who
bring us Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet and other learning
channels. Myth America airs at 7pm every night. ~CN~


Press Release

You are cordially invited to play a part in an unlikely global
sociology experiment spearheaded by a year-old Web site called
BookCrossing.com: Lose your books.

The brainchild of a group of Kansas City-based computer consultants,
BookCrossing.com encourages people to experience what it terms "the
karma of literature" by registering books at the site and then
leaving them behind in public places, like coffee shops, airplanes,
and park benches, reports Book magazine.

Part book club, part behavioral study, part message in a bottle, it's
a concept made entirely possible by the Internet. Every book
registered at BookCrossing.com receives a unique ID number and a
registration card which can be printed out and attached inside the
front cover. The card explains the Book Crossing's mission and
directs anyone who finds a book toward its dedicated online journal
page. There, recipients can post where they came across the book and,
if they read it, what they thought of it.

In keeping with a favorite BookCrossing.com mantra, finders are not
encouraged to become keepers. "We call it 'read and release,' " says
co-founder Ron Allen Hornbaker. "It gives people a way to share their
books without feeling like they're losing something. I think of it as
letting something go as a means of keeping it."

The site makes no money, doesn't advertise, and relies entirely on
word-of-mouth promotion. So far, that low-key strategy is yielding
good results. As of mid-June, the site boasted listings of 24,222
individual books and 10,042 members.

* This is terribly intriguing for a confirmed book addict like me.
There's even a place on the website where you can look up the book
releases in your city or town, and see where they occurred. What will
people think of next? ~CN~



The Federal Consumer Information Center, that place that sends out
the free and almost free brochures on everything from windmills to
buying a new car, has put together a great site for kids (you'll like
it too). Lists of links are categorized into 20 subject areas
including art, music, recreation, and transportation. You'll even
find a list of sites just for your state.

While you're at it, you might as well check out the Federal Consumer
Information Catalog from the link on the FirstGov site. Those
pamphlets that used to cost fifty cents or a dollar are now free
online. They also offer a lot of other information and services for
consumers. Isn't the Internet great?



If you haven't taken a look at the NHEN website in a while, you need
to go there NOW and see what this organization is doing. I can't
believe it's only been 2 years since a handful of hard-working,
dedicated homeschoolers banded together to create a creative, dynamic
homeschool organization for all homeschoolers. They have so much to
offer-information, advocacy, discussion lists, newsletters (NHENotes
is great!), and even t-shirts and tote bags.

If you haven't joined yet, why not do what thousands of homeschoolers
have done in the past 2 years? Get over there and sign up. We are
powerful when we stand together!



For information on purchasing unclassified advertising space in this
newsletter, please contact the editor at



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New science and art books for spring and summer are in...several new
series to engage and delight your children and you. Shop online and
earn FREE books at: http://www.UsborneAmerica.com. For personal
shopping service, email SharonVE@... or call 888-474-8499 toll
free. Sharon Vander Ende, Supervisor, Usborne America.


MATH AND THE MEDIA. BOY, ARE WE MISLED! Look at the types of math
errors made by TV and newspaper reporters in the latest issue of the
Gnarly Gnews. Subscribe to our free newsletter, download free
examples of our CD-ROM Solid Gold Gnarly Math, show your children how
much fun math can be, and refresh your own math. It's all at
http://www.gnarlymath.com . Our moneyback-guaranteed CD will make
Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Topology, and Probability fun for you and
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book. Act quickly! For a limited time you can try out Headsprout
Reading FOR FREE!
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Course' free at www.growfood.com. Go to Online Education section and
enjoy. Books, Natural Mineral Nutrients & CD ROM's also available.
Also, look at the Garden Master CD, with $70 in Mittleider gardening
books and manuals and a great program to take your children through
every step of the gardening process. Took 3 years & $100,000 to
create and costs only $29.95. Look in Products under Garden Master.


In the July/August issue of Home Education Magazine, you'll enjoy
articles on learning to write without school, German, single-parent
homeschooling, a family learning center and more. Columns include:
Peter Kowalke wonders if college and homeschool fit; Linda Dobson
celebrates independence; Laura Weldon offers advice on animal
husbandry and science; Ann Zeise stays on-topic in email
conversations; and Barbara Theisen goes to infinity and beyond. Other
columnists include Larry and Susan Kaseman, Sandra Dodd, Becky Rupp,
David Albert and Carol Narigon. HEM also offers a special essay by
publisher Helen Hegener, classified ads, letters and discussion, pen
pals and networking, and more.

Subscriptions to Home Education Magazine are currently $26 (regularly
$32.00) for one year/6 issues; $48 (regularly $64) for 2 years;
single issue $6.50. Home Education Magazine, PO Box 1083, Tonasket WA
98855; for orders: toll-free 1-800-236-3278; email
orders@.... MC/Visa cards accepted.





Thanks for reading HEM's Online News! Pass it on to your friends! To
subscribe, visit our web site at
http://www.home-ed-magazine.com/wlcm_hemnewsltr.html or send an email
to majordomo@... with the words subscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. subscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To unsubscribe, send an email to
majordomo@... with the words unsubscribe
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body of the email. (e.g. unsubscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To change the address at which you receive the
newsletter, unsubscribe your old address and then subscribe to your
new one.

See you next month!

Carol Narigon, Newsletter Editor
Mark and Helen Hegener, Publishers of Home Education Magazine