[email protected]

<< I decided I REALLY didn't want them
thinking that sex is only for young single beautiful people OR criminal
deviants, which is the message of most of popular culture.>>

Deborah, you forgot to put in the subject line and those of us not on digest
can't follow those secret numbers. <g>

I can't help but to have thought of the wild sex that must occasionally be
generated by young, single, beautiful criminal deviants. I hope they use
birth control.

My kids know and they're really nice about giving us privacy, now that
they're old enough to be really nice. I'm the way you are about not being
sneaky, yet not saying "I'm going in the back now to have sex for at least a
half an hour, so picture THAT and don't come back there."

Poor kids!! <g>

But sometimes, now that they're older, they will ALL be gone at the same time
and we don't have to tell anybody ANYthing!!
