Billy or Nancy

Just wanted to remind everyone about the Unschoolers Network 25th
Anniversary Conference coming up on Saturday, June 29 at Brookdale Community
College in Lincroft New Jersey. This conference is a must for anyone in the
New York/New Jersey area and well worth a road trip for unschoolers in other

John Taylor Gatto will give the keynote speech on "The Paradox of Extended
Childhood." FUN Books will sponsor a special showing of "A Life Worth
Living" a video tribute to the late John Holt. FUN Books will have a variety
of titles by John Holt available as well as backissues of Growing Without
Schooling, the magazine he started. John Holt is generally recognized as the
father of the modern homeschooling movement and the person who coined the
term "unschooling." A limited number of copies of the video are available
from FUN Books.

The conference will feature dozens of great workshops and a resource fair
with a variety of new and used materials.

For more information go to or e-mail Nancy
Plent at UnNet@...

Be sure to share this information with any new homeschoolers you know as
well as veteran homeschoolers. This conference will appeal to both and will
also include workshops for families with younger children as well as those
with teens.

Go to for more conference information.