[email protected]

There are links and samples at

I called this "some more primary-source unschooling stuff." They're about
parenting and mindfulness and divergent thinking.


Sandra Dodd's booklist for 8/18/01 talk on Questioning


These are some of the books that helped me become the parent I am, with the
names of chapters listed for inspiration. You can find many books on
homeschooling nowadays and they're great, but you might want to read some of
the philosophy behind some other people's writings.

I didn't put any John Holt on here, only because I assume all those
interested in unschooling will have read as much John Holt as they could
find. So John Holt (Teach your Own, Never too Late, anything else) and:

The Continuum Concept
"Allowing Human Nature to Work Successfully"
Jean Liedloff
ISBN 0-201-05071-4

How My Ideas were so Radically Changed, The Continuum Concept, The Beginning
of Life, Growing Up, Deprivation of Essential Experiences, Society, Putting
Continuum Principles Back to Work

Whole Child/Whole Parent
"A Spritual & Practical Guide to Parenthood"
ISBN 0-06-090949-8

Wholeness, Spirit, Happiness, Freedom, Unity, Beauty, Truth, Love

Philosophy and the Young Child
Gareth B.. Matthews
ISBN 0-8674-66606

Puzzlement, Play, Reasoning, Piaget, Stories, Fantasy, Anxiety, Naiveté,

NEW AND INSPIRING: Any book by Dean Sluyter:
Why The Chicken Crossed the Road and other Hidden Enlightenment Teachings
from Buddha to Bebop to Mother Goose
The Zen Commandments: Ten Suggestions for a Life of Inner Freedom

A review of the first one, which appears in the second:

This smart, sassy, and idiosyncratic spiritual resource is divided into
sections on cosmic jokes, sacred nursery rhymes, exploding proverbs, and
accidental hymns….Sluyter proves to be a subtle and imaginative guide through
the contemporary world of pop culture, dazzling us with epiphanies….He
provides fresh takes on faith, devotion, grace, being present, beauty,
practice, selflessness, forgiveness, simplicity. Like the best spiritual
teachers, Sluyter lets light in from many angles—in this case, the wisdom of
Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism and more. Why the Chicken Crossed the Road is
a surefire demonstration of why play is an essential ingredient in spiritual
growth." --Values and Visions

Debra Kattler

I realize this thread is a bit old but wanted to add a
couple of valuable unschooling resource books.

"Without Boundaries: Consent-based, non-coercive parenting
and autonomous learning" by Jan Fortune-Wood

"Doing it their way: Home Based Education and Autonomous
Learning" also by Jan Fortune-Wood

I understand she's written a third book called "Bound to Be
Free" but I don't know anything about that one except what
is written at the website. The beginning of the synopsis
states: "'Bound to be Free' explores the myth that
compulsory education is free education, arguing that in fact
institutionalised education is detrimental to our freedom
and autonomy, whether as children, parents or members of

They can be found on the Amazon.uk.co (United Kingdom)
site. I think there might be a US distributor but it isn't
Amazon and I don't know who it is. Here is the URL at the
Amazon.UK site.



Debra Kattler

Sorry that last URL for the Jan Fortune-Wood books didn't
work so here is the URL for the main site, then type Jan
Fortune-Wood into the search field.

