Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

>>> I was "blown away" by discovering where their interests really lie, but I
>>> also know that I can't keep buying "stuff" to fit their interests.>>
> It's great to see what our kids will choose if actually given the choice.
> :o) Sounds like your kids are enjoying the freedom to choose their own
> schooly, curriculum stuff and they've managed to surprise you by their
> choices. As they get used to their new UN-schooly freedom, they'll surprise
> you even more with their choices of interests out there in the real world.

Reminds me of the times Cassidy at 5 or 6 years old circled everything in a
catalog he would like to buy (I got the idea from my Dad). Then we added it
all up. We both learned a lot -- and not just "math."

Now my friend & I go to fancy craft shows & add up all the money we're
saving by not buying all that gorgeous stuff. What fun!

Unschoolers Unlimited