Nora or Devereaux Cannon

In the area of disabilities, more than any other, I think we are
prone to make assumptions about that of which we know little.
The more you know about people with disabilities and the more
time you spend with them, the less you see obstacles in their
road. Deaf/Blind do communicate and do receive input. In fact
one of the noisiest places I have ever been was a deaf blind

CP can restrict vocalization - but in and of itself in no way
restricts the ability to receive input. A good chunk of
assistive technology will solve the vocalization problem. I have
a friend who unschooled her daughter with spastic quadriplegia CP
to age 16 - at that point the child was ready for college - but
decided instead to attend ps for 2 years to try out some
transition plan services. Nothing the school had to offer in
that area was as good as what she had learned, which further
built her confidence. Even when talking about profound MR, there
is no reason to think that the parent cannot if so inclined
provide what the child needs - perhaps buying some services.

IMHO (LOL) a child with significant disabilities has all the more
reason to be kept away from the self-esteem destructive world of
government schools.