
Hello--I'm a very recent addition to this list (about 2 minutes ago-
LOL). I did look around a bit and didn't see the info I'm looking for
so I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. I'm sorry in advance if people
come on here and ask the same questions all the time. :) Anyway, I'm
*very* interested in this for my son. I'm not currently an unschooler
because I live in a state where it's very restrictive about
homeschooling. I'm at a total loss as to where to begin finding out
the laws about unschooling here. Is there a website that covers every
states individual laws regarding this? So far what I've found out is
that Virginia makes every homeschooler use a curriculum and submit
test scores to the state, but with unschooling I wouldn't be doing
that. That's where I need the help in finding out what I can do in
Virginia and still be within the law. Thanks so much for any links. :)


Stephanie Elms

> homeschooling. I'm at a total loss as to where to begin finding out
> the laws about unschooling here. Is there a website that covers every
> states individual laws regarding this? So far what I've found out is
> that Virginia makes every homeschooler use a curriculum and submit
> test scores to the state, but with unschooling I wouldn't be doing
> that. That's where I need the help in finding out what I can do in
> Virginia and still be within the law. Thanks so much for any links. :)

Hi everyone...had to come out of lurkdom for this one. :o) I am new to
hsing (my oldest son is 5 and supposed to start kindergarten in the fall)
and am starting to get comfortable with the idea of unschooling
(thanks partly to seeing unschooling as an extension of the way that
I am currently parenting, but mostly because of the wonderful discussions
on this list - arguments and all!).

As far as hsing in Virginia...the laws are a little confusing at first,
but in reality seem pretty livable (not the best, but definitely not the
worst) and from what I have seen on our state email list many unschoolers
have been able to manage. Without getting into too many specifics of the
Virginia law here, there are 4 options for applying and for the most part
where they say describe the curriculum you can get away with a couple of
sentences describing the type of resources you are going to use (library,
reading, field trips, etc) keeping it very generic. As far as the testing do have to show "proof of progress" for 1st grade on up, however
it is not as bad as it sounds. You can either pull together a portfolio for
evaluation or take a standardized test (must score at least a 23%).
From what I have read, most unschoolers seem to choose the testing as it is
the least intrusive (finding an evaluator who understands unschooling can be
tricky). They just do not put any importance on the tests.

If you do not belong already, I would suggest joining the Virginia Eclectic
Hsing email list:

Not everyone is an unschooler, but there are many on there who might be
able to help with your questions. This is also a great resource for any
questions that you might have with dealing with state law. I know that they
helped put my fears to rest.

You should also check out the following websites for more great info on hsing
in Virginia. They are very informative:

Family Oriented Learning Cooperative

Virginia Home Education Association

I hope that this helps! Feel free to email me off-list if you have any questions.
I do not claim to have all the answers, but I might be able to point you in the right

And now I return to my lurkdom to enjoy and learn. :o)


[email protected]

In a message dated 5/29/02 8:56:33 PM, abaker242@... writes:

<< I'm not currently an unschooler
because I live in a state where it's very restrictive about
homeschooling. >>

There are unschoolers in every state.

There are no laws specifically about unschooling, but you'll be able to find
people local to you.

In the meantime, have a look at this:

I didn't write it, but I put it where people can get to it.
