Shimokawa Family

I'm a foreigner. I'm American, but Ilive in Japan. My son gets English
from me (so your friend could just speak her native language) and
Japanese from everybody else - Dad, neighbors, people at the store, at
church, etc. He speaks both just fine. The children's "instruction"
does not have to be in English (or the official language of the
country). Until recently (just because I'm too pregnant to get around
anymore) we participated in an international group around here, and Mook
(ds) got his "instruction" in different languages each time we went. He
certainly doesn't speak them all, or even understand what they're
saying. What he has learned, however, is that not everybody in the
world speaks the same language, has the same skin color (here that would
be black hair, slanted eyes, etc.), or the same culture.

Love, Melanie in Japan