Alan & Brenda Leonard

on 5/15/02 9:48 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> What do you hope your kids will have gotten from unschooling by the time
> they're ready to move on from home? Not just what's different from schooling
> (though that too) but what you hope they'll have had the freedom to acquire
> on their own having lived this way. And how do you plan to help that along?

I want him to enjoy his life, even (especially!) his childhood, and not
spend it doing stuff he doesn't care about. I want him to see how
incredibly wonderful the world is -- educational, multi-faceted, and just
plain FUN.

I think if you love life, you'll be happy. If you do things you care about,
you'll be fulfilled. And if you're happy and fulfilled, you'll have great
self-esteem, good self-confidence, make the right kind of choices growing
up, etc. Maybe I'm an idealist, but I have never been happier than the day
I quit working full-time at a job I hated to stay home and raise a child I
