
If you are in the Maryland area, be sure to check out the MHEA
conference at Anne Arundel Community College on May 18. The keynote
speaker is Linda Dobson, author of several great homeschooling books
such as The Homeschooling Book of Answers, Homeschooling Success
Stories, and Homeschooling the Early Years. In addition, there will
be dozens of workshops for new homeschoolers as well as veteran
homeschoolers. A panel of homeschool graduates will share their
experiences with homeschooling, college, work, and life in general.

In addition to the workshops, there will be a resource fair with a
wide variety of vendors offering homeschooling materials (FUN Books
carrys lots of great unschooling materials), and there will be a used
curriculum sale/swap/give-away fair.

You can get details and registration forms at http://www.MHEA.com
