Home Education Magazine


Read selected articles and columns from our May/June, 2002 issue:

The following articles are online this issue:

If This is a Staff Meeting, It Must be Social Studies, by Caryn Sobel

Last month, we paid off the debt. I now see a "normal schedule" in my
near future, and I have finally allowed myself to examine how working
has affected our home education. Before this, I wouldn't dwell on the
subject - we've all had that feeling, "If I stand still to examine
this, it will all fall apart!"

"H is for Homeschooling," by Scott Stevens

P is for Parents who chose to give their children a chance to learn
differently: Parents who go against the conventional wisdom of family
and friends, parents who make professional sacrifices to spend the
short years of childhood with their children, parents who take
responsibility for educating their children without the financial
support of government institutions.

Homeschooling is About Families, by Helen Hegener

I watch our kids and grandkids playing together on this Easter
morning and smile to myself. It's nice to see them gathered here,
smiling and laughing, simply enjoying each other's company. I think
about how spending time together as families builds foundations for
the future. The little exchanges which might seem to be mere playing
around or goofing off are, in actuality, links being forged, threads
being woven.

Problems with Putting Public E-Schools in Homes, by Larry and Susan Kaseman

We need to establish and maintain the distinction between homeschools
and cyber charter schools, in the media and in the general public's
understanding. This will be easier to do if there is a short and
distinct name for cyber charter schools. We propose that they be
called public e-schools, with e- standing for electronic as in
e-mail, e-commerce, etc.

Reviews of Homeschooling Books, by Elizabeth McCullough

Homeschooling the Child With ADD or Other Special Needs, by Lenore
Colacion Hayes
Homeschooling Our Children, Unschooling Ourselves, by Alison McKee
Real Life Homeschooling, by Rhonda Barfield
Homeschooling on a Shoestring, by Judith Alee and Melissa Morgan

This is just a small sampling of what's in every 68-page issue of
HEM! For a complete listing of May/June's articles and columns check
out the table of contents page:

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Supporting homeschooling families since 1983!