[email protected]

<<I give my children an actual choice, not a "so-called 'power of choice'"
choose anything in the house to eat at any time. At very young ages, they
made decisions BETTER than most adults I know. They eat ice cream very
rarely, although it's always there. They eat cookies and cake hardly at
Donuts dry up. >>

About three/four months ago, I did what AnneO,Sandra, Ren and Joyce (and
others) suggested and i began trusting my children to eat according to their
bodies needs, even the two year old. I began "undieting" (not diet to lose
weight, diet as in what people eat) Once my children had their fill of the
sweeter stuff, once they trusted Me to not decide for them, they started
choosing healthy.
Yesterday Emily had a choice of Pop-tarts, vegetable soup, grapes, milk,
pretzles, lemon drops, girl scout cookies, salad. For lunch she had
Vegetable soup. Later she had ice cream. For breakfast I think she ate
yogurt she grabbed from the fridge and a granola bar.
I think she had another soup for dinner but I don't remember. Max also makes
his own choices although I tend to "strew" foods with larger quantities of
vitamins minerals, antioxidents, fiber since he doesn't wuite understand the
intricacies of healthy eating. They are healthy, growing, happy children.
It took a few months for us to "de-diet" but it really worked. Try it for a
few months (who ever is reading this) you may be surprised. I seriously
doubt that in todays food industry, a child who's parent provides free reign
to food that includes all kinds of choices will become nutritionally
deficient. Even Spiderman Pop-Tarts are fortified.
~Elissa Cleaveland
"It is nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction
not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry." A. Einstein