
Faith,No offense taken, just a point that breastfeeding may not be the
best option for the family.� I think we can all agree that in most
cases, it is the best for baby.

> Andi,
> I hope nothing I said made you think that I believe breastfeeding is
> the only healthy way to do it, because that is not how I feel.
> Sometimes it's hard for
> others to understand what you mean over e-mail.

The majority of time baby was with us, even today it is that way.� Every
once in a while we go sans child, but reliable sitters that I trust are
so hard to find.� My last one just went off to college.� Now a days it
is a matter of finding the right kind of sitter, rather than taking her
with us.� Until she was a year, she did pretty much sleep in her crib,
by herself.� A trip at that time upset the balance and it has pretty
much been a family bed since, which works for us, but I know it doesn't
with most.� I used a baby sling sometimes, but most of the time if she
wanted to play or be held, I just stopped and interacted with her.� My
back would not of been able to handle it either!


> Now with attachment parenting did you go out every once in a while,
> just you and your husband, or was the baby always with you?� Also,
> when baby fell asleep did
> you put her in a crib or ... what did you do?� I'm just curious.� I
> know some of you have talked about keeping the baby in a sling on you,
> but I can't imagine
> for the sake of my back.� I don't have the greatest back as it is, and
> I would think that it would make it worse.� I would love to hear what
> you, and anyone
> else, have to say.
> Living for Him,
> Faith