Jennifer VanLaanen-Smit

I just began to get this list and wanted to say that I am enjoying it. As for
baby slings . . . I like the New Native style best. I have a page on my
website that tells you how to make slings with sarongs and sheets. If you are
interested the site is

~~Jennifer VanLaanen-Smit~~
Domestic goddess, mother of three, nature sprite
aka Mango Mama OR
-Mango Mama's Natural Parenting and Pathways Homeschool!
Check It Out! :-)

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The White's

I used a sling a lot with both of my children, more with the second because
I needed my hands free to do things with the older. It is actually easier
on your back than carrying the baby because your body is in a more natural
posture. Much like the "papooses" where you carry a child on your back for
hiking or lots of walking. Seems it would hurt your back but it does not.
(I used a papoose a lot too, walking for exercise & even at the mall, one on
my back, one in the stroller).

I don't know if anyone has suggested it or not, but I would highly recommend
you read Dr. William Sears Baby Book....I called it my baby bible when my
first was born. It has SO MUCH good info, about virtually anything from how
to wear a sling to how much tylenol to give. I think Dr. Sears must be the
"father of attachment parenting" as he seems to be the foremost authority.
He has lots of other books too, but the Baby Book might be one you invest in
to keep at home.

Good luck with it all....sometimes it is overwhelming but you'll be
surprised how well you handle it IF YOU FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS.


The Ross Family

For my first baby we just held him, not only did we have the unused cot we
had the unused pushchair too<g>, then with baby 2 we learnt the joys of
having a sling, thank Kerry, i was able to actually do things and hold a
baby at the same time WOW!!!! onto baby 3 we do a mixture of both because
now i like to use the excuse of not doing anything because i am holding the
baby, lol!!!!!!!

Carla (the lurker who is slowly coming out to speak!)

p.s Ours is an american brand sling(we live in New Zealand, Aoteroa-Land of
the long white cloud) it is a "the origanal baby sling".

CA Nelson

Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] slings Jennifer-
   I just want you to know that I love your site! I discovered it a while back and always recommend it to others for a variety of subjects.

Amy Nelson
Mama to Accalia (6/14/99)
"The hardest to learn was the least complicated." - The Indigo Girls

I just began to get this list and wanted to say that I am enjoying it. As for
baby slings . . . I like the New Native style best. I have a page on my
website that tells you how to make slings with sarongs and sheets. If you are
interested the site is