Mary Hickman

Cooking, doubling recipes. Why does the batter change from guppy to cake
when heated. All cooking is science and math. Gardening. Quilting. Playing
in the mud, mixing, molding, measuring. Stop watches, test to see how many
hops to the mail box. Talk about what you expect, do the plan, see what you
got, otherwise known as the scientific method. Watch animals, visit gardens,
observe, discuss. Watch clouds, stars, contemplate outerspace. Watch videos,
read library to go play with the kids now, I'll work on mt
science/math list later. Have a clock in the house, time everything, measure
all parts of things with other things, do lots of estimation.


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--- Mary Hickman <mfhick@...> wrote:
> Cooking, doubling recipes. Why does the batter
> change from guppy to cake
> when heated.

I don't mean to sound stupid, but why does it? Do you
have a cooking science book for kids if so can you
tell me which one. I am clueless.

thanks Hazel

> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

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