<i am a child of a retired la leche league leader (dr.
sears, nursing on demand, loving guidance discipline, etc) and have happily
raised my babies the same way.>

Dear Erin-
How wonderful! I'm curious?--are you involved with LLL now as a mother?

It is so comforting to hear your words as I'm a Leader and am raising my five children the same way you were raised. Attachment parenting does work!

I know there has been a significant number of moms with "failure to thrive" babies as the result of their following the Ezzo's program. Scary.

Why are parents so afraid of meeting the needs of their babies/children? It puzzles me.

Best regards,

Tracy Oldfield

> Message: 24
> Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 23:03:16 EDT
> From: MORELFAM@...
> Subject: Re: sad non-christian?
> In a message dated 10/4/99 5:26:57 PM, Tracy@...-online.co.uk
> writes:
> << Sometimes I'm glad I'm not Christian >>
> Tracy,
> sounds like you are saying the converse of this then...
> other times you are not glad to be a non-Christian?
> God loves you!!
God might, but I'm not sure what I think of Him! Most times I just don't
think about it, it might be nice to place my life totally in some other's
hands, but I prefer to keep that responsibility for myself.
