[email protected]

Do I need to ask people to private post me about starting our own group and
getting a couple of experienced people so that we can particiapate and ask
questions without being treated as though we had commited some sort of
unforgivable sin or something?"

Where oh where did anyone ever say any of your questions were not worthy or
worth asking?
From what I've read, you didn't like the brand of advice given to you and got
very angry at any suggestions that were made which were anything but patting
you on the back.
It's too bad when a person asks for advice but has already decided what kind
of answers they want.
In no way did I ever say that your posts "spoiled" the list. I said it
wouldn't be wise for seasoned unschoolers to not answer the post by pointing
to unschooling.
That's all.
I think whatever way you find support that is great.
But please don't twist my words and advice meant completely and totally for
the purpose of help, to sound like I was shunning anyone.
I love answering the questions of new unschoolers.
I also remember you saying you weren't an unschooler, so maybe there-in lies
the problem?
Maybe we are pointing to unschooling because that's what this list is here
for, and you don't want unschooling advice at all?
I really don't know.
Trying to understand how my advice to look for math in every day, and many
materials and not worry about trading lessons, go twisted to mean negativity.
Still confused...