Jac & Liz Grimes

For those of us with problems being around our own parents, I would like to
recommend a wonderful book, The Dance of Anger. Can't recall the author,
she also has a book The Dance of Intimacy (haven't read it yet). I had The
Dance of Anger recommended on another hs list. I checked it out of the
library and ended up keeping it an extra 2 weeks in order to read it again.
I will probably go buy a personal copy. It really opened my eyes to how my
problems with my mother had really tainted my relationship with my children.
Even though I still haven't directly talked with my mother (haven't spoken
to her in 3 years and may still not) , I still have done a lot of internal
work on the relationship and understanding. I can see a direct improvement
in my handling my relationships with my children. Hubby & I were able to
discuss a lot of things about how we handle things in our marriage and
openly look at some areas that have been uncomfortable for us but off limits
for discussion. I can't recommend this book enough. It was truly a life
changing read for me.
