Tracy Oldfield

> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1999 14:23:47 -0700
> From: David Albert <shantinik@...>
> Subject: Re: Parties
> There are other alternatives. As Quakers, as a religious matter we
> don't celebrate any holidays (or, more accurately, all days are holidays
> as they hold equal promise for revealing the divine to us); as a
> cultural matter, we are free to do as we choose. We are very conscious,
> however, of how important Christmas is to the people around us, and we
> try hard to honor that.

That's the problem I have with Christmas, that so many other people set such
store by it. I'm not dominant enough in our family to put my foot down and
say, look, we're just not doing that this year, because I know I'd offend a
lot of my and my dh's family. Your philosophy sounds great, to celebrate
whatever comes your way! I sometimes don't feel like celebrating ANYTHING,
except surviving the day!

BTW, does anyone have any insight on this? I don't want, for so many
reasons, my children to go to school. But I don't know if I get on well
enough with my eldest to do her justice by keeping her with me. Of course,
I'd be mortified with guilt of I did send her to school and something
happend, and I don't want to 'give up' on her by giving up my beliefs on
school and education and life. I can't seem, atm, to stop picking her up
for little stuff, not 'schooly' stuff, behaviour, and some's real petty,
too. Perhaps I'm just PMS-ing, and I'll get better, but it seems unfair.

Time to stop Rambling!
