Dale Reed


What is the reference for the following quotation from your web site?
It does not sound like Winnie the Pooh to me. Dale

"If anybody wants to clap," said Eeyore when he had read this, "now is
the time to do it."
They all clapped.
"Thank you," said Eeyore. "Unexpected and gratifying, if a little
lacking in Smack."
"It's much better than mine," said Pooh admirably, and he really thought
it was.
"Well," explained Eeyore modestly "it was meant to be."
Do something a robot cannot do.
$ dale-reed@... Seattle, Washington U.S.A. $


>From: "Dale Reed" <dale-reed@...>
>What is the reference for the following quotation from your web site?
>It does not sound like Winnie the Pooh to me. Dale
>"If anybody wants to clap," said Eeyore when he had read this, "now is
>the time to do it."
>They all clapped.
>"Thank you," said Eeyore. "Unexpected and gratifying, if a little
>lacking in Smack."
>"It's much better than mine," said Pooh admirably, and he really thought
>it was.
>"Well," explained Eeyore modestly "it was meant to be."

sorry to butt in, that's definitely winnie the pooh!

it's in the last story in 'house at pooh corner.' eeyore has just delivered
his goodbye poem to christopher robin.

i must say you show highly developed taste in winnie the pooh - that
particular story is uncharacteristically sentimental in places, and so
doesn't have the same groovy taoist style as the others, so maybe that's why
you thought it wasn't real.

um... and hello unschoolers!
