Bonni Sollars

There probably is some effect on the eyes and electromagnetic parts of
the body? Can't anything be unhealthy if it is a substitution for
experiencing life, I mean, if it is a coping mechanism we turn to instead
of dealing with our problems? Just like gambling or eating or other
potential addictions. Most addictions are just a dampener for pain, a
false stimulant or sedative.
On the other hand, everyone eats. Can't gambling just be simple
entertainment? So what I'm saying is, tv can be unhealthy, but it can
also be healthy. Couldn't watching tv for a while help us get through a
grieving stage? TV can be educational and entertaining.
Speaking of addictions, the book The Alcoholic Personality said that
people who, either by neglect or too much control, never developed
self-discipline were potentials for alcoholic personalities. That is why
we talk about why's, give information and let the children participate in
coming up with solutions. I want my son to learn independence, but
sometimes it is too stressful for him to make some choices. So, I will
sit with him and do a pro's and con's list to help him learn
decisionmaking. That way he doesn't feel overburdened with
responsibility or powerless to make a choice. We also do the serenity
prayer for figuring out what we can change and what we cannot change.