Helen Hegener

>Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 17:13:20 -0700
> From: "Lynda" <lurine@...>
>Subject: Re: Re: Not an unschooler =)
>There is a group of unschoolers that call themselves radical unschoolers
>that will NOT suggest anything. In fact, they won't sit down and "teach"
>anything even if the kids ask. They tell them to find a resource and figure
>it out themselves.

That's not how I define "radical unschooler," and I've been calling
myself one for many years now, mostly as a way to differentiate what
we do from what sometimes passes for unschooling amongst the unaware.
When I know I'm with people who understand the meaning of the word
I'm just a plain ol' unschooler.

But sending a kid off to find their own resources and figure it out
themselves? Sounds cold.
