Carol & Mac

Just thinking about a discussion on a Green political list. Someone said
that left and right in politics are just different ways of acheiving the
same end (improvement of conditions for people), while Green politics is
about something else altogether - it's about caring for the earth,
(which of course includes people as well). So Green politics is actually
neither left nor right, which is a little confusing for those who have
grown up thinking that all political ideas have to fall somewhere on the
left - right continuum.

So when we ask this about unschooling's place in homeschooling.....

>Where exactly is the line
>>between unschooling and not unschooling?
>I think it's more than just a line, even for people who are on there
>way there, and pretty darn close. To me is was more like a canyon! ;-
>I didn't get it, until I took the leap.
>I think there is a lot of fear when it comes to being responsible for
>our childrens education, and it can take a lot to overcome it.
>Unschooling to me, is when you overcome it, and trust.
>It's also, seeing learning for the joy, not the "what if's"
>and "needs to's"
....... perhaps unschooling too, could be described as somewhere else
altogether. Not on the school-at-home - eclectic - do nothing continuum,
all aiming for the child to 'end up' 'successfully educated', but
rather, unschooling is in a different place altogether, aiming for the
child to 'continue being' 'successfully who they are'.


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