Diana E

KathrynJB, I've been condemned by "just folks" for so
many of my choices, I tend to feel I'm probably being
untrue to myself whenever someone thinks they can
understand and tolerate me. I usually notice I'm a
much happier person and have much nicer children than
those who want to look down on me.

It's often a challenge to find common ground, but
that's what I always try to do. With homeschooling,
though -- which in my mind has and should and always
will be unschooling -- the only common ground is
concern for the child. I've explained myself so many
times over the last 18 years that I'm no longer upset
in any way by the questions and criticisms. Of course
there are things about myself I wouldn't share with
hardly anyone, but keeping my kids out of school is
one of the defining characteristics of my lifestyle,
so I do talk about it. No one who gets to know my
daughters can point to any lack, but of course some
people like to think their way would have been better.
Sometimes I let those very people contribute. For
example, one concerned individual introduced us to a
zoo curator, who gave us a personal tour and lecture
of his insectarium, including the back rooms. That's
when we held a tarantula and a "walking leaf" and
petted a Hercules beetle. I will always remember that
as MY best zoo trip.

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>It's often a challenge to find common ground, but
>that's what I always try to do. With homeschooling,
>though -- which in my mind has and should and always
>will be unschooling -- the only common ground is
>concern for the child.

You know this brought up a rant in my head that I have with the
acceptance issue.. and well.. i'm going to rant.. so stop here if you
don't want to hear it!!! <<<bg>>>

When people hear I don't send my kid to school (its usually right after
they ask what school he goes to) and THEN they question me about the
legality of it.. a LOT of them all of a sudden say that they FEEL BETTER
that NYS has these silly regulations up the wazooo!! They show this sigh
of relief and many have actually said that 'now they feel better about
it' because parents are accountable in their eyes now...??

As if the parents that beat their children and then send them to ps are
OKAY because they send them to school!!???? I mean, its not like theres
accountability there.. ??

Abuse comes in many forms.. and if someone is going to be abusive..
either educationally neglectful.. physically.. mentally.. or sexually..
they are going to do it... regardless.

How the h*ll does filling out exhausting paperwork somehow make it

/rant over


"People take different roads seeking
fulfillment and happiness. Just
because they're not on your road
doesn't mean they've gotten lost."
-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.