Diana E

My girls never went to school (I try to forget that
three days of torture when we tried third grade),
although the first one did attend community college
for two years. When she was small I was an apartment
manager and also did childcare and tutoring. When the
second one was six, the first one (age 16 then) and I
began working outside the home. We worked opposite
shifts in order to take turns being with the younger
one. We're doing that again now, after four years of
living thirty miles apart. During the time of
relative separation from the older girl, the younger
one spent some days with her and some days with
various neighbors. Most of the neighbors were people
I could exchange chores, errands, and favors with
instead of paying. Some were just older people who
loved having my daughter around for the day once in a
while. I preferred not to depend on a paid parental
substitute. I've worked full-time since the younger
one was six. Now she's thirteen. She has reading and
projects to work on while I'm at work, and I spend my
off hours and days with her. We work on whatever
questions or interests are on her mind, I take her to
classes and activities in the community. This past
year I've worked about five miles from home. Before
that, I was never more than a five-minute walk. The
year the little gal was six I worked across the
street. I always went home for lunch and called
during breaks, and always made it clear to co-workers
that I must be paged for calls from my kids because
they wouldn't be calling if it weren't important. I
was much less interested in doing work I liked than in
being close by and available to my kids.

I'm only responsible for one childhood per daughter
and I intend to make it the best possible. Giving
them my self is better than anything else I can offer.
I know everyone's situation is unique, and each one's
tolerances are different. I offer this story as a

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