[email protected]

In a message dated 03/13/2002 1:06:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> >What if we don't put things in categories and label them? *:-)
> >If it happens here it's life, that's the only category we have.
> >
> >Buttons (hurriedly scribbling in her write in vote - "life")
> An extremely valid point and observation.
> My objective was to try to clear some of the smoke of an ongoing
> smouldering and firey debate.
> Since noboby argues nearly as much about chores.. since it falls into the
> parenting sector... I thought the TV would also... and some of the smoke
> would clear.

When we talk about chores, I never know how to categorize whether we have
them or not. My son, Julian, does TONS around the house, and certain jobs
have kind of become "his." For example, Julian does all the family's laundry
(except for folding and putting away. He enjoys it, and doesn't mind the long
trip to the basement carrying heavy stuff. He is NOT reponsible for
remembering to do it or staying on top of it -- if we notice we're piling up,
or if we need a particualr garment, we'll ask if he minds doing a load. He
never does.

We now have three large people in this house (Julian is tallest, at twelve),
and we all manage to keep the house this side of disaster. But no one is
punished or responsible for the whole thing. I do think about what happens
when he leaves--the work load will increase significantly!


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