
Are you sure you don't live with my family???? I have this problem with my
boys....constantly. They love the dogs, but for whatever reason will not
feed them unless prompted and then told to by their father or myself. I
don't understand it, but that is the way it is.. They will not feed the
dogs unless we make them.. So yes, I would also have dead animals if i did
not have set rules that the dogs must be fed... before the boys eat lunch..
It is the only thing we have found that will work.

Kim -Eddie Dylan 12(today) Jacob 11 Noah 2

<While I am a big animal lover no one else here is, <some people are just
<animal lovers. They do not hate animals, just <are ,,very indifferent. So
<the animals literally would starve if I did not <remind or do it myself.
<Yes, caring is enough for me but no, it is not for <the rest of the family.


Perhaps it's a "male" thing because none of my brothers liked feeding the
animals either (we lived on a huge farm = lots of animals to feed). I, on
the other hand, loved feeding the animals and although it would take me
hours because I had to spend time with each and every one dad always knew
they'd be fed. I used to think the guys were just heartless but now I'm
seriously starting to wonder if it's just a male thing, maybe they don't
become attached to animals like we do?
Maybe I should hope for a girl next time? LOL Nah!! LOL


> Are you sure you don't live with my family???? I have this problem with
> boys....constantly. They love the dogs, but for whatever reason will not
> feed them unless prompted and then told to by their father or myself. I
> don't understand it, but that is the way it is.. They will not feed the
> dogs unless we make them.. So yes, I would also have dead animals if i
> not have set rules that the dogs must be fed... before the boys eat
> It is the only thing we have found that will work.
> Kim -Eddie Dylan 12(today) Jacob 11 Noah 2