Julie Stauffer

We have 5 children and have been unschooling for about 3 years.

Currently, Adriane (11) is big into her animals. Her goat is due to kid any
day now and we have all learned the signs of impending labor...and are
making the poor goat extremely paranoid by following her around, staring at
her all the time :) Adriane and Zach (8) spent most of yesterday making
decorative signs for all the bedroom doors.

Zach is big into objects in motion through space. He golfs, shoots a BB
gun, rides a scooter and bike off ramps, etc.. We found an injured bird the
other day and he spent a morning making toys to put in the cage with it.

Marsie (5) is trying to learn to read and figured out several sight words
and is able to recognize those words within other words, like "no" is in
"nothing". She likes to paint, play dress up, make huge messes, etc..

Danny (3) and Michelle (2) are more into television than the other kids.
They like Dora the Explorer and Veggie Tales, etc..

We have very few rules around here. The kids watch all and any television
they want. Currently all the kids are upstairs playing together. They eat
whatever they want. For lunch today, they requested yogurt and fruit. Only
one takes a nap or has a quiet time and he says he "loves naps". Later
today some homeschool kids are coming over to play, then we are off to
gymnastics and baseball. After dinner, Adriane and Zach will finish their
sewing projects that they entered in the county fair where they are also
showing their rabbits.
