[email protected]

In a message dated 3/9/02 6:02:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,
[email protected] writes:

> http://www.playhousekits.com/index.htm (pretty basic)
> http://www.kinderhomes.com/ (is expensive)
> http://www.homeplacestructures.com/playscapes.html (no prices, but looks
> expensive)
> http://www.kitguy.com/cat_playhousesandclubhouses.asp
> http://www.backyardamerica.com/Playhouses.htm
> http://woodworking.about.com/cs/plansplayhouses/ (a bunch of links)
> http://www.air-locklog.com/Pages/playhouse.html (a playhouse made of logs!)
> http://discover-net.net/~mlana/KidsPlayhouses.htm (more links)
> I keep wondering if people are ready to sell theirs now that their kids
have grown? or are they GOOD enough to keep in backyards til the grandkids
come? I mean serioulsy~ EVERYONE has built one in our area.........Denise

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