
Hi I homeschool my youngest child age 6 and encourage additional
reading by my older kids age 12 and 16. Here are some books I found
to promote 2 different theories on dealing with the religious nature
of our country today.

theory 1 for younger children
dilute the word "god" by presenting all the ancient gods and their
myths to your atheist child emphasizing how at that time people
believed in these gods so much to kill and be killed for them.
Explain that as science advanced we were able to understand more
about the world around us and as we did we realized that we didnt
need to make up gods and goddesses to explain nature. Presenting many
gods just makes it so when others talk about god to your child the
child just categorizes it with all the other ones YOU controled the
topic of. They easily dismiss god as a fairy tale.

One part of this theory I am on the fence about is Santa, havent
decided on that one yet.

theory2 for older kids

Give them the knowledge to back up their belief system. They need
facts and theory to not fall victim of wanting to follow a crowd by
not being able to defend their thoughts with answers that will stand

I found some books for all my childrens age groups at amazon.com and
decided to share my finds with those interested.

1 "The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus" Aliki; Paperback; @ $6.95
Usually ships in 24 hours

1 "Wise Child" Monica Furlong; Paperback; @ $4.99 each
Usually ships in 24 hours

1 "Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (All Aboard Reading Level 2)" Henry
Barker, et al; Paperback; @ $3.99 each
Usually ships in 24 hours

1 "Strega Nona" Tomie De Paola, Tomie dePaola (Illustrator);
Paperback; @ $6.95 each
Usually ships in 24 hours

1 "Juniper" Monica Furlong; Paperback; @ $4.99 each
Usually ships in 24 hours

1 "Mother Earth" Nancy Luenn, Neil Waldman (Illustrator); Paperback;
@ $5.99 each
Usually ships in 24 hours

1 "Big Bang" Heather Couper, et al; Hardcover; @ $13.56 each
Usually ships in 24 hours

1 "What About Gods?" Chris Brockman; Paperback; @ $10.00 each
Usually ships in 2 to 3 days

1 "How Do You Know It's True? : Discovering the Difference Between
Science and Superstition" Hyman Ruchlis, Hy Ruchlis; Paperback; @
$16.00 each
Usually ships in 2 to 3 days

1 "The Tree of Life : The Wonders of Evolution" Ellen Jackson,
Judeanne Winter (Illustrator); Hardcover; @ $17.00 each
Usually ships in 2 to 3 days

1 "All I See Is Part of Me" Chara M. Curtis, Cynthia Aldrich
(Illustrator); Hardcover; @ $15.95 each
Usually ships in 24 hours