[email protected]

Just out of curiosity and sorry if you talked about it and I missed it
but WHAT is an unschool school?

S�och�in ar domhan,
At 18, our convictions are hills from which we look; at 45, they are
caves in which we hide.
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald

> You're story sounds like mine. My son (who's 10) started
attending an
> unschool school in september and is still decompressing from public
> He still has a hatred of anything academic, but he very much wants to
> Japanese and any and all computer programming languages. He hates math
> so the most I can get him to do is play games, but he is also
responsible for
> budgeting his own lunch money for the month(His school is in a city
> neighborhood so he goes out to eat or goes to a 7-11 almost every day)
> However, the fact that he has changed from being an angry,
> worried little boy to a happy, thoughtful, curious , repsonsible and
> self-confident 10 year old is amazing. Right now I don't care if he
does any
> academics this year, I'm glad that he has become this wonderful
> Andrea
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]