
We are in the same situation!� As I type this it is 12:44 am and dd is watching a
video and hubby is asleep.� We are in dire need of grown-up time, but it is so
difficult.� We have been using the family bed for almost 5 years now.� Dd has been in
our bed since she was just a little over a year.� I can really relate to decompressing
time, I have to have it.� No matter how much I explain it to dh, he thinks I am just
ignoring him.� He forgets his day is filled with grown-up things, mine is not!� It is
the same 24/7 for me, not that I want to do the grown-up thing, but once you are
focused on one mind set you just don't push a button to change gears.� I have tried to
include him in our daily escapades and I just get the look!� LOL.� I have told him
there are things you could do when you get home, to give me my decompressing time, so
there is time and energy later for grown-up things.� He tries them once and if it is
not successful the first time it is the last time.� It so hard to be the one that is
supposed to take care of all the arrangements in the household so then when it doesn't
go as planned you get all the blame.� None of the credit when it runs smoothly (lol),
and all of the blame when it doesn't.
When someone gets a solution to this and all other life's problem, let us all know!
Thanks for letting me vent and it gives me great comfort to know I am not the only one
with the ailment.