Joseph Fuerst

> I don't think this woman is a bad mom. I actually like her. she
> funny and easy to talk to. I do know that she doesn't enjoy being
> with her kids, without having *something* to do. She has told me
> that, they drive her crazy if they aren't doing an activity or have a
> friend over.
> Joanna
You know, I wonder if the not enjoying being with her children could be
correlated with the number of outside activities they are involved in. What
I'm thinking of is my oldest dd.....who almost only 'acts out' or allows
her negative emotions, whining, etc. out at home...or with our family
members. I'm wondering if the kids are less enjoyable since the time they
do get with mom is time they need to 'let loose' ...making it more
And I do wonder if it's some type of escapism...from herself, from
them, from 'being' instead of always 'doing.
I know several people who tend to have what I consider extremely
scheduled lives for themselves and their children. Is it due to some
external social pressure? And I do think that moms that do this usually
believe that what they are doing is 'best' for themselves and
thay wouldn't be 'bad'; but I wonder, could they be mis-informed. I
suppose it all comes down to the attitude about the mom at peace
with herself and her choices? Do she and her children thrive on this? Do
they seem happy and growing in healthy family relationships?
I have a neighbor-friend who tends to keep things
activity-oriented....almost always a play date or organized
of her reasons is to keep the children out of the house a lot because her
*disabled* spouse has very little patience with them and their messes and
noise, etc.
Gotta go for now,