
My son cut his hair yesturday. He's almost 6 and wanted it to be just
like his cousins (the one with a buzz cut).

Now, I don't mind, after all it is his hair and his choice. He feels he
did a wonderful job.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you what it looks like, but I find it quite
darling. Like the beauty one finds in the misits on the island.

He showed me how he was careful with the scissor so not to cut himself
(he turned his head upside down so he could see what he was cutting). AND
he had the forethought to cut his hair into a 'box' so it wouldn't be all
over the house.

Now, I find this all quite endearing. Until his dad got home. One of my
other unschoolers who is having a hard time adjusting :-)

The look on the kid's face when his father said 'that looks stupid, its
all uneven' was enough to make a mother cry.

why O' why do people INSIST on judging and offering nothing but
negativity on issues that can be so full of learning and insight. . .

