
I wanted to introduce myself. My name is kama and I am thrilled and
proud to be back in the loop. Our family has homeschooled for three
years (some 13 and daughter 11). Last fall our children determined
that they wanted to go to public school again......with dreaded and
reserved acceptance we supported them in their return to the kingdom
of tyrrany (my thought anyway). That was in September and by end of
November my son started sharing his thoughts of the public
system. "I can't believe that we are there for seven hours", "I
can't believe that it takes us forever to do anything", "I am tired
of waiting for everyone and everything", "they keep us all in one
place", and "they even have a fence around everything to keep us
there". Through this process our son made the choice to leave the
system and return home and to the world. I felt very proud and
excited that he had come to a place in his own heart and mind to
allow himself to re-enter and re-connect with what was important to
him. My daughter has decided to finish out the year in Public school
and then buiy out of the system. Anyway, it felt scary to allow that
part of the process to happen but the self motivation, self
assurance, and self knowledge that my children have obviously carried
them through.

Long introduction but I wanted to share my moment. Hope to be
posting, sharing, living, and learning with all of you over the next
part of our journey.