Tracy Oldfield

Nanci, my 2&3/4yo dropped her nap ages ago, but I've found that if I have to
lie down with her to go to sleep, and I fall asleep too, we both sleep worse
and she asks for milk more in the morning. If I thought she wouldn't wake
up, I'd get up earlier than her. My nearly-4yo (next month...) gets up
most mornings about half-an-hour before the rest of us and mooches about,
watching tv or 'reading' then I get up with dd2, and dh gets up much later.
At this age, it's difficult to expect the girls not to jump on the bed when
Daddy's resting, and that causes some friction. As does dh's penchant for
evening 'naps,' especially when I don't know he's taking them and I'm having
some 'puter time, ie kids get left in front of a video or Tom and Jerry or
summat (grrrrrr!)

Can you get him to wake up earlier from his nap, as oppose to not napping at
all? If I got up at 6am I think I'd want a nap! (I did today, and I got up
at 8.30am!)
