
>Louise wrote:
>I am going to start homeschooling soon possibly in a week or two. Both of
>my dd are in ps right now. one in the 5th and one in the 1st. I joined
>this list because I plan on unschooling, and need help in changing my mind
>set. I though this list would help me do that. I hope that it can.

Hi Louise, What a big and wonderful step you are taking. Welcome to the
group! How much have you read of the unschooling.com website? You'll find
a wealth of information that should be able to make you feel comfortable
with changing your mind.

>I have also found in talking to my dds that they need to change their mind
>set as well. For example my oldest wants me to give her spelling tests.
>(Man do I hate spelling!!!) Anyway, I figure that I will let her pick the
>words that she feels that she needs to learn, and give her tests from them.
>One of her teachers did this, and so she feels comfortable with it.

There's a John Holt book 'How Children Learn' that actually gets down to
the nitty gritty parts of spelling test, math and other interesting ideas
to get you started. I think you'll enjoy the part about kids giving
themselves spelling "tests"

>Anyway, I think that I will start with some structure. Such as write in a
>journal. Write some letters. And have some books around that they can use
>with science experiments in them. Also some math books and video games

Having stuff around is great! Although I'm not sure if it falls into the
category of 'structure'. It means you got the right idea of providing an
environment of options.

>How does this sound. I know that the unschooling thing is to let the kids
>tell you what they want. It seems to me from talking to them that they want
>some structure. That will probably change, but to start with that is what
>they are asking for.

Someone on the list recently gave an awesome analagy about feeding a
child and unschooling. I sincerely apologize for not knowing the orignal
author. I hope the author can let us know who they are:

+ "Unschooling" is like feeding a baby- when the BABY needs, how
+ much the BABY needs-
+ "Schooling" is like feeding a baby- when the MOTHER wants to,
+ how much the MOTHER wants
+ The difference lies in the locus of control- with unschooling,
+ we give back our children something our society and culture
+ steals- the right to govern one's self. The right to be one's
+ self, to know one's self. With unschooling, we tell our
+ children we trust them, we believe them-
+ We believe THEY know when they are hungry and full (weather it
+ is for food, knowledge, affection, or anything)

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
