
And _Number of the Beast_, without which you don't get the whole story; it's
a sequel.

Growing up, Lazarus Long influenced me more than any other fictional
character. (Well, him and John Galt.) When I look at how I unschooled
myself when I was young (through umpteen years of public school) one track
was in animals and the other in philosophy, much of that in science fiction
and fantasy novels, as well as nonfiction. Robert Heinlein's most famous
novel is _Stranger in a Strange Land_ but it is also less accessible than
most. I preferred the L. Long series.

And I still learn through novels. My latest brain candy is murder mysteries,
but there's a lot to be learned there (although *not* the reason I read
them!) Last year I did my own study of WWII just for fun, and it wiped me
out on nonfiction for awhile.


>>Heinlein writes Sci-fi. One of his storylines is about a breeding
project that takes place in the early 1900's and produces a fluke
success almost immediately. The goal was to breed for a long life.
Lazarus was born when Wilson was President but much of the storyline
takes place hundreds of years in the future. One of the problems
faced by Lazarus and the others (called Methuselahs) is that they
have to devise a system of memory enhancement so they can keep track
of things.
Lazarus Stories:
Time Enough for Love
The Past Through Tomorrow
The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
Methuselah's Children


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