Joseph Fuerst

> I am happy to be 'tuning in' amongst all you fellow unschoolers. I've
> on other lists that weren't even a quarter as active as this one. I want
> know that over the last few days reading all your posts - I sense a
> 'freedom' here and I like it.
> I take a snip of Sarah's post because I could relate to her experience.
> my kids were more restricted to tv, they wanted it all the more. It drove
> nuts! Now, (mostly, except for my six yos) it's no big deal... A little
> reverse psychology in action. It's working.
> Anyway, our family lives in MA, USA. We have six children ages 12, 9, 6,
> 2.5, and 6 mos. We have always home schooled. Our modes and methods have
> changed over the years but our overall mission remains the same. That is,
> be out of the systems and to be 'free' as God should lead us. It's been
> quite a trip!
> Blessings,
> ~ Lisa
Welcome, Lisa....
How 'bout I start you off with asking you to share some of your experience
in balancing the needs/interests/desires of your six youngsters....with your
own needs.
I am personally falling into a burnout phase and hoping to prevent a
full- blown problem here. I've had several viruses in the past six weeks.
I am zapped of energy and sleep deprived. I am finding myself not enjoying
much....though I try to focus on the moments of laughter and joy. Dh works
excessively....he comes home tired and, well, without much energy to
Anyway, while I believe in "breathing the O-2 mask first myself, then
meeting the kids needs" (as in the airlines safety talk)...I'm not always so
great at defing/living this balance when the needs less clear than oxygen.
Susan...not sure if I'm making sense here; and coming off a rough morning
with bickering/whiny youngsters who then got a good yelling from their sleep
deprived mama.