
>I suggest you go to drmcdougall.com and read up on what you are talking
>about. I think you need to because I don't think you know the facts. I wish
>you well also. Another book is Diet for a New America.


Thank you for the link and the suggestion.

I agree that most westerners can change their diet significantly to feel
better, a diet that is ridden with fast foods, processed foods, I cannot
see how a 'one-size fits all' diet would be the next progression after
everyone changed to a 'better' way.

Chronic symptoms can go away when a good diet is presented. The cause of
WHY the body presented symptoms will not.

See some of Dr. Schimmels work on functional medicine:

Also you may also want to look up some of the newer research that will
eventually land in the likes of people like Dr. McDouugall, just as the
diet change theorys should of been pushed by the medical community in the
50s, 60s, 70s & 80s.


Additionally, on a lesser degree of physics, McDougall's food would
probably fare well for some of the people, yet its full of yeast, and
wouldn't fare well for others.

The use of vinegar in the no-oil dressings, the added yeast, could be
most harmful to many (See The Yeast Connection). Or worse yet, is most
people are strewn with
Mucor Racemosus and it feeds on yeast products. (Vinegars, nuts, dried
fruit etc)

The closest thing I could find in english is:

Essential fatty acid deficiencies are known to be genetically
pre-disposed. (see Professor Enderlein's findings). Yet, McDougall
dismisses the need for fish oils. Again, a one size fits all for a
culmination of cultures that can't fit in one size.

The fact is 'vegetarian is always better' doesn't have the facts to back
up the chronic illnesses of our society. A lot of the 'healthy' soy
eaters I see in the organic stores have a grey-ish tint to their skin. A
fact of observation.

Since I can go on and on and present facts contrary to the superficial,
symptom-reducing ones of McDougall, let me stop here at his recipes that
include microwaving.

I'm sure, as an MD, he would of been privvy to the study done by Bernard
H. Blanc, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and University, Institute
for Biochemistry and Hans U. Hertel, Environmental-Biological Reserach
and Consultation.

This comparitive study about food prepared conventionally and in the
microwave oven measures the effects of microwave irradiated food on man -
as opposed to non-irradiated food - showing changes in the blood of
test-persons, indicative of an early pathogenic process, similar to the
actual start of cancer.

Microwaved food caused significant changes in the blood of the
test-persons including a decrease of all hemoglobin values, increast of
the hematocrit, leukocytes and cholesterol values, especially the HDL and
LDL Lymphocytes.

For a fact, I had a great-niece and a 2 nieces that are extremely
allergic to soy and soy products.

One-size does not fit all.

with kind regards,

ps: I haven't read Diet for a New America. But will make a point of
looking it up soon enough.