[email protected]

Hi Kathryn, I am way behind on my mail and just came across
I was sorry to hear about your accident. I have been a car
victim 5 times (as a passenger in each one) so believe me I
2 years ago (at a time when I was soooo sick and dd was
even sicker
and money was a word we whispered in hushed tones with the
held by those who never have enough of it to make ends
my husband was hit by a truck doing 80 in stop and go
traffic (Marco was
going 30).

There was a state police car in the lane next to my husband
when it happened.
He was in our new Dodge Shadow and the guy in a Suburban
slammed into him
just as the police car was trying to get into that lane.
It was awful. Getting that
phone call from the state police was something I'll never
forget. I cried then. I cried
when doctors told me Marco was surprising everybody - the
cops had phoned him in
as dead at the scene and had actually called for the
coroner (who had just gone to another
accident site with them) to come back and call it - with
how well his body was responding.
I cried when he got home and you know what? Interestingly
enough I sobbed my heart out
when I saw what was left of our car (they had to saw open
the hood even just to get to the insurance papers in the
glove compartment!). Strange. I never cry but I even
sobbed like a baby
when the insurance came through and it turned out to only
be enough to finish paying off
the wreck that had once been our car. That whole time was
such an emotional rollercoaster
for me.

You are thankful for everyone not being more hurt than they
are but you can't help but worry about
the $$$ end of it. Everyone who had seen the car (from the
mechanics to the people who processed
the pictures of the car) kept offering their condolences
and then when I told them my husband was
alive kept saying things like God was on his side! or He
must have had an angel with him! or stuff
like that. Well, I don't believe in God per se but I do
believe in the power of vibrations. I decided at
one point enough belly aching (and with all the worrying I
had been doing I do mean BELLY ACHING,
literally) it was time to stop wondering why him, why us,
why now? and start focusing on the positive.
What's that song say? Accentuate the Positive? I did and I
found out about Herbalife and I started making
some money, working part time at home, around our
homeschooling and my 2 jobs. I was able to quit my two
jobs and get off my 14 meds a day and turn sooo much
around. And I truly believe that if it
hadn't been Herbalife it would have been something else
just as wonderful simply because I was determined to focus
on the champagne we wanted not the lemons we'd been handed.
I have come to believe that we get what we focus on. Like
when you're driving - take your eyes off the road often
enough and that's exactly where you'll probably end up.

I know it's hard but try to start each day focusing on the
good stuff you want and how great it will feel to
get it. If you're at all like me or feeling like I was You
know how to do depressed and frustrated already. Try doing
excited and anticipating. I found a book Excuse Me, Your
life is Waiting and it took me to new heights. It sure
came in handy on Sept. 11 when my husband was stuck in
Manhattan and I couldn't reach him for almost two days. I
would highly suggest it.

Well, this was just my two cents but I hope it helped. I
don't usually get this personal on the list but
what you wrote touched me, I just hope maybe my experience
will help you.

Take care and Be well - Jacli

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On 11/20/2001 at 7:29 PM [email protected]

>Message: 19
>Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 13:36:15 EST
> From: KathrynJB@...
>Subject: OT: Accident
>We just got home from what was supposed to be a quick
errand, but along the
>ay we had a car accident. It was nothing serious, and
neither me nor my son
>as hurt. A car cut me off, and I braked and swerved to
avoid an accident,
>itting high curb on the side. I blew both right tires,
destroyed a steel
>wheel. The other car drove off.

>It sucks...money is tight right now anyway because we've
recently bought a
>house, etc. --But we're okay. And someone once told me
that a problem you
>can throw money at and make it go away is not a very
interesting problem.
>But, if you have any to spare---I could use sympathy. :)