
>Has ANYONE had any luck getting the MMR vaccines singularly?
>I cannot find anyone who will order/get/so on so forth just the measles or
>mumps or rubella vaccine without being in the MMR....
>My insurance has even said they have no qualms in paying for them
>Geesh. You'd think I was asking someone to pull out eyeteeth instead of
>just order a single vaccine..

I'm sure the pharmaceutical giants have their hand over this one. Maybe
you would opt not to choose any?

Have you read any of Neil Zimmer's books on the history of vaccinations?

AFAIK, tetanus, from specific companys are the only one worth getting.

Good luck on your choices,


Speaking of going underground for vaccines..

Has ANYONE had any luck getting the MMR vaccines singularly?

I cannot find anyone who will order/get/so on so forth just the measles or mumps or rubella vaccine without being in the MMR....

My insurance has even said they have no qualms in paying for them singularly...

Geesh. You'd think I was asking someone to pull out eyeteeth instead of just order a single vaccine..


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----- Original Message -----
From: Kolleen
To: Unschooling.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom]Unsupporting Families

>JAROCKI9@... writes:
>She then jumped back
>to the pertussis vaccine and said again PEOPLE DIE.

I think you showed amazing restraint in your conversation. Personally I
like to point out all the people that die from the vaccines. I also point
out that each cost of a vaccine has a percentage that goes into a fund
for restitution to the parents of the children that die from it (although
many parents can't claim it since its very hard for them to prove it was
vaccine related death.)

I also point out that all the cases of disease that are caused by
vaccines (the only Polio cases that exists in the world today are from
vaccinations) and back when I had money *laugh* I used to send them one
of Neil Zimmer's books on vaccinations.

When pushed in conversation, I also point out how vaccines don't keep
kids safe, they just keep the symptoms from showing. Their poor little
bodies stop fighting and it turns into something a lot nastier sooner or
later in life. I'm sure a lot of ADD is from vaccination poisoning.

Thanks for helping to support a movement to keep our children safe.


btw: this is a tough issue because there are one or two vaccines that are
safe. For example there is a company that makes a great tetanus vaccine
(I can get the name if anyone is interested). YET some states require
either a)religious b) medical. Very few states also allow c) conscious

This puts parents at a disadvantage that want to vaccinate for one (lets
say at the age of 5 for tetanus only) and not for any others. Which means
parents then have to go 'underground' to make their choices.

Tis a sad thing in my heart that our children are not our children when
it comes to things like this, yet something like spanking is legal. Oh,
I'll never understand it all.

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