Jeff & Diane Gwirtz

Hi Faith,

I don't know if your first e-mail came through or not. I was a
little swamped with mail and may have been a little delete-happy.

> I'm sure this brings siblings closer and we end up with a tight-knit
> family instead of only spending a few hours in the evenings
> together, IF THAT!! (With as much homework as ps send home!!!)

I think this is one of the biggest advantages of homeschooling.
My kids are 6 years apart and we didn't start homeschooling until the
oldest was 15 so we didn't reap all of the benefits, but even a
little bit helps.

I know what you mean about the hectic mornings too. We are not
morning people and it has been so nice to wake up at a slower pace.

Diane from KS

faith buckley

Hi there! It's me again!

I was wondering if anyone received my last e-mail introducing myself.
I've noticed that when new people e-mail they are at least greeted and
questions answered. So I was thinking maybe my e-mail didn't go
through. Please, let me know, so I can get my computer fixed if it's
having problems sending.

Anyways, I was also going to say that I've noticed an awesome advantage
to my kids learning at home. My 2-1/2 year old is a very early riser
and she usually comes into my room to wake me up. But the other morning
she woke up my 7 year old instead,
and asked him to read to her. She chose a book, got in bed with him and
he read to her. It was so cute. It didn't occur to me until later what
was going on. If my 7 year old was going to a ps this wouldn't have
happened. We would have been rushing around to get him, and his 5 year
old sister, off to school. Instead, with kids learning at school they
learn from one another and teach one another.

Not only are you, as "teacher" teaching, but also each one of your kids
get to experience that also. I'm sure that as much as it is exciting to
you when your child learns something new you are trying to share, the
child who is trying to teach a younger sibling something gets excited

I'm sure this brings siblings closer and we end up with a tight-knit
family instead of only spending a few hours in the evenings together, IF
THAT!! (With as much homework as ps send home!!!)

Does anyone know what I mean?
Or am I the last one on earth to figure this one out! : )

A King's kid,
Love is - doing the highest good for the object of your love.


Faith, I notice my children teaching each other all the time. It is so cool
to watch. The 7 yr old and 5 yr old are always explaining and showing the 4
yr old, 3 yr old and 2 yr old things. The best one to watch is the 3 yr old
(who is the sharpest tack in the box in more ways than one) teach the 2 yr
old things. It is amazing how quickly children will learn when you aren't
'making' them. The other day the 2 yr old went in the laundry room and took
the clothes out of the dryer all by herself. And the things they come up
with on their own is just too funny. Anyway, welcome to the list. I don't
usually great folks because this list is so high traffic already but I
wouldn't want to miss getting to know someone who is in the same boat as I
because I didn't say 'hi'. Blessings to you.

Mary in Idaho (who can't think of a darn thing to follow her name with this

[email protected]

Hi and welcome. I just wanted to say that I agree about the fun of kids
teaching kids, and the fact that the younger child gets the greatest benefit.
My youngest taught himself to read, just from listening to his older brother
and I doing phonics and playing the games that we were doing. He just sat
around and played to the side of us for two years, and bingo, he could do all
sorts of things!


> I'm sure this brings siblings closer and we end up with a tight-knit
> family instead of only spending a few hours in the evenings together,

This is one of my favorite reasons to homeschool. I have noticed just
in the last few months how close my boys are growing. The oldest is 6,
and would have been in kindergarten this year. The middle is 4. He
would hardly know his brother if the 6 yr old had gone to school. They
both also are learning to include their 3 yr old sister in their play.
I love the friendship that is developing with all of them.
I think this is the best thing about homeschooling at this age.

The O'Donnells

At 06:53 PM 9/16/99 -0700, you wrote:
> Welcome Faith!
> I'm sure this brings siblings closer and we end up with a tight-knit family
> instead of only spending a few hours in the evenings together, IF THAT!!
> (With as much homework as ps send home!!!)
> Does anyone know what I mean?
> Or am I the last one on earth to figure this one out! : )

Yep, I have experienced a great transition from when my dd was in ps. She
would come home not only with homework but angry at the world and everyone in
it. So there was no room for that little sister who had waited all day to
with Sissy. What a pain. Now they play together, enjoy one another's
fight like sisters do (although I'm doing my best to tone that down now - ha!
Fat chance right?) We are so much more like a family now than we were when ps
was running our lives and time.

Enjoying it as we grow!

In His Service,


Diana Asberry

Welcome Faith!!!!!

The other day my 2 yo was singing the alphabet song-(which I never knew she
knew!!!) I watched and saw that her big sis was prompting her, when she got
stuck or wasn't enuciating (most of the letters) also was toooo cute!
But the reverse is true: little sis knows how to spit, hit, say "hateful
words", etc....

Diana A.
"the world is our classroom"

----Original Message Follows----
I'm sure that as much as it is exciting to
you when your child learns something new you are trying to share, the
child who is trying to teach a younger sibling something gets excited

I'm sure this brings siblings closer and we end up with a tight-knit
family instead of only spending a few hours in the evenings together, IF
THAT!! (With as much homework as ps send home!!!)

Does anyone know what I mean?
Or am I the last one on earth to figure this one out! : )

A King's kid,
Love is - doing the highest good for the object of your love.

[email protected]

In a message dated 9/16/99 7:28:53 PM, faithb@... writes:

<<I'm sure this brings siblings closer and we end up with a tight-knit
family instead of only spending a few hours in the evenings together, IF
THAT!! (With as much homework as ps send home!!!)

Does anyone know what I mean?
Or am I the last one on earth to figure this one out! : )>>

Even though I only have one kid, I know what you mean. Learning is a
wonderful *shared* experience.


Robin Stalte

I totally agree with you. Some of the best times I have with my three children, ages 2-4-7, is at night. Thank God they don't have homework. Tonight it started to rain and they wanted to go outside with flashlights, dead batteries. I lit the emergency candles, made quickie holders and sent them on the porch. They loved to see the glowing lights in the dark. It was quite and experience. Even though they play with the other kids in the neighborhood they are best friends with each other first. They wake up everyday with each other and go to bed with each other. We figured it out too. Erik
----- Original Message -----
From: faith buckley
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 1999 9:53 PM
Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Kids Teaching

Hi there! It's me again!
I was wondering if anyone received my last e-mail introducing myself. I've noticed that when new people e-mail they are at least greeted and questions answered. So I was thinking maybe my e-mail didn't go through. Please, let me know, so I can get my computer fixed if it's having problems sending.

Anyways, I was also going to say that I've noticed an awesome advantage to my kids learning at home. My 2-1/2 year old is a very early riser and she usually comes into my room to wake me up. But the other morning she woke up my 7 year old instead,
and asked him to read to her. She chose a book, got in bed with him and he read to her. It was so cute. It didn't occur to me until later what was going on. If my 7 year old was going to a ps this wouldn't have happened. We would have been rushing around to get him, and his 5 year old sister, off to school. Instead, with kids learning at school they learn from one another and teach one another.

Not only are you, as "teacher" teaching, but also each one of your kids get to experience that also. I'm sure that as much as it is exciting to you when your child learns something new you are trying to share, the child who is trying to teach a younger sibling something gets excited also.

I'm sure this brings siblings closer and we end up with a tight-knit family instead of only spending a few hours in the evenings together, IF THAT!! (With as much homework as ps send home!!!)

Does anyone know what I mean?
Or am I the last one on earth to figure this one out! : )

A King's kid,
Love is - doing the highest good for the object of your love.