meghan anderson

Message: 24
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 17:58:54 -0000
From: "rumpleteasermom" <rumpleteasermom@...>
Subject: Re: Perceptions WAS Digest Number 1656
<<<<<You know, I was going to let this go but then I
had a thought and it is nagging away . . .

How is it that telling me I sound condescending and
patronizing is okay and just a comment on my posts but
when I said Sandra was coming across in very negative
way that was a personal insult to Sandra?

You really can't have it both ways.


I'm disgusted and disappointed. I can't even believe
that your 'Sandra issue' came up yet again. I am so
tired of waiting for this to blow over. There has
become way too much negativity and defensiveness here
for my tastes. It has reached the point of
interferring with getting and sharing unschooling
information for me. I'm done. Goodbye.


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